Way back then- On 14 August 2006 - had placed a complaint on praja.org The Complaint Tracking Number (CTN) is HG-11248505.
Apart from that I had also spoken to the BMC head office and also the Tree Authority of India. on 18th August, 2006. My Society committee member had told me that they have taken the permission from Byculla itself, but I dont think even the authorities there can give such kind of permission.
18 August 2006 - had taken on these tree murderers single handedly.
19 August 2006 - wrote to M.S.Ram of the DNA.
He came, he saw, he spoke, he wrote!
(DNA had covered this in their Coastwatch supplement of 20th August, 2006 on page 2).
As a result of the article my society (CHS) had an urgent meeting called at 4.00pm on (20th August 2006) and at the meeting (which was attended by my mother as a member of the society) it was unanimously decided that I was wrong in doing this and approaching the press. ALSO a few enterprising people were of the opinion that a police complaint should be filed against me and they would all sign in support of the same.
After the conclusion of the meeting the Tree cutting contractor was directed by the Committee and other members of the society to take away the chopped wood (which was taken in 2 tempos MH-04 AG-7710 owned by Ravindra S. Singh and MH-04 C-9489 owned by Sanjay K Sawant) and that they would handle it if I or anybody objected. (I was directed by one of the press people to call the police controll room and infrom them of the same. To which I indicated that I wouldnt want to be the one calling the police since - as stated ( to the DNA correspondent) by Y.H Raut, horticulture officer from P south ward that they had not permitted Sanman CHS to trim the trees and that he would visit the site and take appropriate action which would be informing the police and filing a case.)
That was in August 2006.
So what has changed now?
On 13 Sep 2010 11:20am - sent out an email to 34 members/residents of Sanman CHS - detailing my observation of the act of so called Trimming of trees.
Trees being Trimmed (Chaatni) which should be happening pre-monsoon happening in the 2nd week of September. Wow! what timing and what nature sense. When asked Mr. Shirke who was seated near the Security cabin said they were the contractor appointed by the society.
Zhaadan muley kachra hoto - I wonder since when did trees start shedding plastic bags, torn clothes, plastic bottles, liquour bottles, broken furniture, broken sinks, broken commodes, beer cans, toothpaste and soap covers, sanitary napkins, used condoms - itna kaafi hain ki aur ginaoun?
Result? Not a single response or for that matter no feedback off the net or in person either.
13 Sep 2010 11:29am - forwarded them this mail received from karmayog
For details and proceedures regarding Tree Planting / Trimming / Cutting of
Trees in Mumbai, please see www.karmayog.com/gardens/gardensindex.htm
If you have a complaint or suggestion regarding Trees in Mumbai, please see
Do contact the following Members of the Tree Authority of BMC
a) Dr. Nilesh Baxi on 9820085007
b) Avinash Kubal on 9324238031
c) Madhu Sawant, on 28365622 / 9322665836
d) Dr. Ashok Joshi on 9869341207
e) Dr. Ajit Tolia on 9892009620
f) Niranjan Shetty on 986961503
g) Dr. Manohar Sawant on 9820582369
h) U. N. Singh on 28258700
dunno if anybody did anything about it.
13 Sep 2010 11:55am - sent another mail with photo evidence. 11 photos of the carnage.
All this while and for the next few days what continued is for all to see.
This! (behind A-15)
This! (In front of A-15 & A-16)
And this! (In front of A-14 & B-19)
Only this time the tempo was bigger and the piles of wood manyfold than that of last time.
But then at Sanman CHS who cares!
This is what I said to them and wish them -
All those in cahoots with those involved in this kind of so called Tree Trimming - may you never enjoy the shade of a tree in sun and rain, the gentle breeze from the leaves, the fragrance of flowers, the sweet sounds of birds, the joy of the rush of childhood memories when you looked at the dried leaf or flower pressed in your old diary. The list is endless!